- Shear/Torque Pattern - Ohter Patterns 스트레인 게이지
- General Purpose Strain Gage

- Shear/Torque Pattern - 250US 스트레인 게이지
- Four-element full-bridge pattern for shear-strain measurement.
Grids are spaced 90° apart, and 45° from pattern centerlines. Exposed solder tab area is 0.16 x 0.10 in (4.1 x 2.5 mm).

- Shear/Torque Pattern - 187UV 스트레인 게이지
- Two-element 90° rosette for torque and shear-strain measurement. Sections have a common electrical connection. Exposed solder tab area is 0.13 x 0.08 in[3.3 x 2.0 mm].

- Shear/Torque Pattern - 125TK 스트레인 게이지
- High-resistance two-element 90° torque gage. Similar to 125TL pattern except sections are electrically independent.
See also 125TH pattern.

- Shear/Torque Pattern - 062UV 스트레인 게이지
- Two-element 90° rosette for torque and shear-strain measurement. Sections have a common electrical connection. Exposed solder tab area is 0.04 x 0.07 in [1.0 x 1.8 mm].

- Shear/Torque Pattern - 062TV 스트레인 게이지
- Two-element 90° torque gage.

- Shear/Torque Pattern - 062TH 스트레인 게이지
- Two-element 90° torque gage. Sections are electrically independent. See also 062TV and 062TW patterns.

- Shear/Torque Pattern - 062LV 스트레인 게이지
- Two-element 90° torque gage.

- Shear/Torque Pattern - 062DY 스트레인 게이지
- 45° torque gage. Similar to 062DW pattern but with opposite grid angle.

- Delta Rosettes 스트레인 게이지
- General Purpose Strain Gages