• PT5A 변위센서
  • Cable-Extension Position Transducer

    Precision Potentiometric Output
    Ranges: 0-10 to 0-250 inches
    Industrial Grade ? High Cycle Applications
  • 3711B03 가속도센서
  • DC accelerometer, 2.5V offset, 66.6 mV/g, +/- 30g, +6 to 30 VDC excitation, 4-Pin connector

    Sensitivity: (±5%) 66.7 mV/g (6.80 mV/(m/s²))
    Measurement Range: ±30 g pk (±294.2 m/s² pk)
    Broadband Resolution: 2.4 mg rms (0.024 m/s² rms)
    Temperature Range: -65 to +250 °F (-54.0 to +121 °C)
    Frequency Range: (±3dB) 0 to 50 Hz
  • PT1232 변위센서
  • Cable-Extension Position Transducer

    RS232 Data Communication
    Ranges: 0-2 to 0-50 inches
    Compact Size ? OEM Applications
  • PT1MA 변위센서
  • Cable-Extension Position Transducer

    0/4...20 mA Output
    Ranges: 0-2 to 0-50 inches
    Compact Size ? OEM Applications
  • 333B40 가속도센서
  • Modal array, ceramic shear ICP? accelerometer, 500 mV/g, 0.5 to 3k Hz, 10-32 side connector, stud mount

    Sensitivity: (±10%) 500 mV/g (51.0 mV/(m/s²))
    Measurement Range: ±10 g pk (±98 m/s² pk)
    Broadband Resolution: 0.00005 g rms (0.0005 m/s² rms)
    Frequency Range: (±5%) 0.5 to 3000 Hz
    Weight: 0.26 oz (7.5 gm)
  • PT1E 변위센서
  • Cable-Extension Position Transducer

    Incremental Encoder Output
    Ranges: 0-25, 0-50 in. ? 0-625, 0-1250 mm
    Compact Size ? OEM Applications
  • PT1DN 변위센서
  • Cable-Extension Position Transducer

    Ranges: 0-2 to 0-50 inches
    Compact Size ? OEM Applications
  • 333B 가속도센서
  • Modal array, ceramic shear ICP? accelerometer, 100 mV/g, 2 to 1k Hz, 3-pin connector mtg

    Sensitivity: (±20%) 100 mV/g (10.2 mV/(m/s²))
    Measurement Range: ±50 g pk (±490 m/s² pk)
    Broadband Resolution: 0.00007 g rms (0.0007 m/s² rms)
    Frequency Range: (±5%) 2 to 1000 Hz
    Weight: 0.2 oz (5.6 gm)
  • PT1DC 변위센서
  • Cable-Extension Position Transducer

    0...5, 0...10, ?5...+5, ?10...+10 VDC Output Options
    Ranges: 0-2 to 0-50 inches
    Compact Size ? OEM Applications
  • 393C 가속도센서
  • Seismic, general purpose, quartz comp. ICP? accelerometer, 1 V/g, 0.025 to 800 Hz, 10-32 side connector

    Sensitivity: (±15%) 1000 mV/g (101.9 mV/(m/s²))
    Broadband Resolution: 0.0001 g rms (0.001 m/s² rms)
    Measurement Range: 2.5 g pk (24.5 m/s² pk)
    Frequency Range: (±5%) 0.025 to 800 Hz (0.025 to 800 Hz)
    Electrical Connector: 10-32 Coaxial Jack
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